AI and the Digital Society:
Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals
Over the last ten years, advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, information and communications technology, advanced automation and additive manufacturing has led to the perception that the world is entering the ‘fourth industrial revolution’.
In Japan in particular, the use of AI, robots and Internet of Things have become a key component of the Abe government’s economic vision for the future. Its blueprint for ‘Society 5.0’, sees the evolution of a ‘super smart’ society that uses cutting edge technology to solve economic and social problems, resulting in greater productivity and sustainability in a variety of fields, from healthcare to mobility and infrastructure.
While much analysis has been done on the impacts of these technological innovations on advanced economies, there is relatively less discussion on how these advances can help to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in low and middle-income countries.
This conference will bring together key experts from the UK, Japan and elsewhere in Asia to share learning, expertise and insights on how digital, particularly artificial intelligence technologies, can support meeting the SDGs.
The summary of the symposium is available from here:
Date and Venue
Date: 5th November 2019, 13:30-18:00
Venue: Hibikoku Conference Square, Hibiya Kokusai Building 8F, 2-2-3, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Access Map: https://hibikoku.tokyo/assets/pdf/accessmap.pdf
Language: English
Conference Title: AI and the Digital Society: Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals
Registration (13:30-14:00)
Coffee on arrival
Opening remarks (14:00-14:05)
Dr. Champa Patel, Head, Asia-Pacific Programme, Chatham House
Keynote speech | Digital Societies and Achieving the SDGs: Opportunities and Challenges (14:05-14:35)
Speaker: Ms. Jennifer Zhu Scott, Founder/CEO, Theta AI; Associate Fellow, Asia-Pacific Programme, Chatham House; Founding Principal, Radian Partners
Chair: Dr. Champa Patel, Head, Asia-Pacific Programme, Chatham House
Short break (14:35-14:45)
Session One | AI and Healthcare: Innovations, Learnings and Opportunities in the Asia-Pacific Region (14:45-15:45)
Speaker1: Dr. Urvashi Aneja, Associate Fellow, Asia-Pacific Programme, Chatham House
Speaker2: Dr. Dhesi Raja, Deputy Director of Planning, eHealth & Informatics Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Chair: Mr. Michikazu Koshiba, Head of Centre on Global Health Architecture/ General Manager of Social Impact Partnership Business Department, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting
Session Two | AI and Education: Future of Work (15:45-16:45)
Speaker1: Mr. Sherif El-Sayed Ali, Director of Partnerships, AI for Good
Speaker2: Mr. Satoshi Yamawaki, CEO, Castalia
Chair: Dr. Champa Patel, Head, Asia-Pacific Programme, Chatham House
Closing remarks (16:45-16:55)
Mr. Koichi Ogawa, Director/Senior Executive Managing Director, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting
Reception (17:00)
End (18:00)
Co-hosted by:
Please register from the below button in advance.
Seating Capacity: 80 participants
As space is limited, please register by Wednesday, 28th October 2019. In case of too many applications over the seating capacity, we will hold a draw for place allocation and inform you of the result by the 28th October 2019.
Fee: Free of charge to attend the symposium
お問い合わせは、本シンポジウム事務局まで下記のメールにてご連絡ください / for any inquiries please contact us at the address below.
本シンポジウム事務局(Center on Global Health Architecture): ath-ch@murc.jp/ https://www.digitalsociety.murc.jp/globalhealth/architecture/index.html